Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Your contribution can change the life of a Dalit widow and her family. You will help a widow to real

Empower A Widow

Program enrollment



India has more widows than any country in the world. Strict codes of dress, demeanor and diet are imposed for the remainder of their lives, often with dire consequences. It's believed widows bring bad luck, causing them to live their lives in isolation and poverty. Sprouts-Dalit Solidarity's widows' organization, was formed with the idea of improving the lives of Indian widows. It has provided them with their first opportunity to come together and create a positive identity for themselves.

The Gift

Your contribution can change the life of a Dalit widow and her family. You will help a widow to realize that she is a productive member of society, deserving dignity and respect. A $35 donation will fund the participation of a Dalit widow in Sprouts, our widow's empowerment program, for one year.