Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. WOCCU plans an annual Women's Leadership Forum to discuss business management issues run by- and for

Empower Women

Female Leader Scholars



Women are less likely to be at the head of financial institutions, especially in specific cultures. Credit Unions are often the first chance for women to succeed in business, but they seldom have mentors or peers to advise them. These female credit union leaders need peers to advise them and help them, and their credit unions, to success.

The Gift

WOCCU plans an annual Women's Leadership Forum to discuss business management issues run by- and for- women credit union CEOs only. The confidential peer advocate session will give women a chance to coach, confide and share in an open and trusting environment of their peers. Your $100 will support the registration fee of a women CEO from a developing country whose credit union cannot afford to send her. Donations of any amount will be used towards travel funds for the same group.