A Gift Card
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Religious Charities
Schools and Teachers
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Support for this initiative would help support our Latino organizer; provide underwriting for Spanish language resources; and undergird meetings and educational events in Latino population centers across the United States so Latinos can more effectively address problems of hunger and poverty.
Regular price $25000 $250.00
This gift will pay for a community organizer to work with a remote West African village for 3 months — building relationships with community leaders and providing information about women’s right to lifesaving maternity care. This FCI project teaches women to demand the services that can save their lives, and in the process it transforms families and empowers villages. But there are many villages, and...
Regular price $20000 $200.00
Your gift will go into our loan pool to help independent publishers buy printing presses and printing equipment. In 1996, SME was Slovakia’s only independent daily newspaper when it received MDLF’s very first loan. SME was barred from every printing house in the capital Bratislava but with MDLF financing it bought its own printing press and broke the government's control over what news the public...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
WOCCU plans an annual Women's Leadership Forum to discuss business management issues run by- and for- women credit union CEOs only. The confidential peer advocate session will give women a chance to coach, confide and share in an open and trusting environment of their peers. Your $100 will support the registration fee of a women CEO from a developing country whose credit union cannot afford...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide a sponsorship for a woman with a disability to participate in Mobility International USA's Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD). This 3-week, life-changing program challenges women from around the world to go beyond their preconceived notions. Disabled women flourish through interactive workshops, an outdoor ropes challenge course and whitewater rafting. WILD women truly are changing the world as they return...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your gift will provide a unique opportunity for a young person to lead the way toward a safer, more peaceful future. Your gift will allow one student to participate in important security policy discussions at a national conference. Participating students will then organize events at their own schools to reach out to elected officials and make their voices heard on important security policy. This gift...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and responsibility to stand up and make...
Regular price $1,25000 $1,250.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will provide FCI’s youth education handbooks — accurate, culturally appropriate, and in the local languages — for 12 communities in Latin America, Africa, or the Caribbean. FCI’s innovative materials, produced in a dozen languages and now used in more than 30 countries, help young people understand their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and empower them to make smart choices. Right now, demand...
Regular price $6500 $65.00
Youth are the very best advocates for their own tobacco-free futures. Our Youth Advocates are true leaders at every level, serving the role of spokespersons, organizers, and liaisons to state and national programs. Youth Advocates participate in our annual Youth Advocacy Symposium in the nation's capital, where they learn to organize creative activism and public education campaigns that directly influence state and federal policy priorities....
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your gift of $250 will allow a one year training commitment to be given to a rural farming family in Zambia. This training will consist of improved irrigation and planting techniques and will also teach the farmers how to access and use affordable water technology, effective and safe fertilizer, and high quality seeds to increase productivity. Your gift will grow exponentially as it makes a...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your gift will allow IDE to provide additional households with access to clean drinking water and safe latrines by strengthening local markets and redesigning the systems to make the products more affordable. IDE works to make these technologies affordable and available to local farming communities through numerous development initiatives. Your gift will be used to expand the impact and effectiveness of the water sanitation initiatives...
Regular price $2400 $24.00
This gift will allow a small family farm in Nepal, Zambia or Nicaragua to experience the benefits of micro irrigation. Introducing low cost drip irrigation systems and better agriculture training will provide small land holding farmers with real solutions and the means to increase their income year after year in a responsible, low-impact way. Your gift also supports practical and tangible training for the family....
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your gift of a basketball will initially teach basketball skills and then serve as a reminder of our camp and the educational lessons also taught at our camps. The ball will be custom-printed with a public awareness message about staying in school, saying no to drugs/smoking, or being healthy. The balls will be given out to campers as a reward, not just for their athletic...
Regular price $50000 $500.00
Your gift will sponsor a woman for one year so that she can participate in the full range of Dress for Success programs including Suiting, Career Center, Professional Women’s Group, Women 2 Women Mentoring and more. This will provide her with the necessary tools to gain employment, retain employment and become self-sufficient.
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Your $30 gift will help change that, and let these athletes look as competitive as they play. A uniform gives these athletes the confidence and self-respect to go out and prove to everyone that they are athletes!
Regular price $25000 $250.00
ACHIEVE's Children's Summer Program is a four-day, six week program. Activities of the program focus on improving gross and fine motor coordination, promoting positive social behavior, and environmental awareness. In addition to these activities, remedial instruction in reading, math, and speech is also provided. ACHIEVE’s Summer Program provides leadership and an opportunity for children to reinforce daily life skills in a fun and challenging way.This...