A Gift Card
Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Countries and Regions
- Adult Education
- After School
- Any College or University
- Any Library
- Any School or Teacher
- Arts Education
- Early Childhood Edu
- Education
- Financial Literacy
- Higher Education
- K-12 Education
- Libraries
- Literacy
- Music Education
- Robotics
- Science Research
- Special Education
- STEM Education
- Technology Access
- Vocational Education
- Youth Sports
Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)
Religious Charities
Schools and Teachers
Regular price $1000 $10.00
You can help a child who is sick, perhaps even save a life. Your donation will purchase critically needed medicines such as antiobiotics and vaccines for children living in impoverished countries where International Releif Teams serves. Your donation of $10 will buy $500 worth of medicines! What an incredible gift to give a child - the gift of health!
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Loan officers are the men and women that go out and make loans to microentrepreneurs. With a motorscooter, a loan officer can visit and help more clients in a day than s/he can on foot, putting money into the hands of people who need it the most in urban and rural areas.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
Your gift will be used to help PRC represent public radio broadcasters interested in purchasing additional stations, and community groups interested in acquiring their first station. To this end, PRC identifies acquisition options, helps the public broadcasting buyer assess the value of the station to be purchased, and handles all of the confidential negotiations with the seller of the station. Your $75 funds a phone...
Regular price $12000 $120.00
Satellite radios provide crystal clear reception across a large geographical expanse, reaching people both in urban and rural areas, and even the most remote locations, via Equal Access’ satellite network that offers engaging programs. These radios are also capable of recording broadcast programs onto audio cassettes, allowing listeners to replay these programs at convenient times and locations. As the receivers are digital, they can be...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will provide technical hardware for Roosevelt Institution. A donation towards Roosevelt Institution's technology expansion project will be greatly appreciated by all members.
Regular price $7,00000 $7,000.00
Veterans for America’s Information Management & Mine Action program has deployed a geographic information specialist to Africa who will help coordinate transportation of relief supplies, ensuring that aid will quickly reach all the affected communities. Working with the support of the United Nations, he is managing the collection and analysis of on-the-ground humanitarian relief efforts and coordinating this information flow to a number of agencies....
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will buy one hour of research on the enemies of choice. CFFC publishes OPPOSITION NOTES, a new series of investigative fact sheets on those who oppose women’s rights and reproductive health. The current series has already reported on the activities, strategy and finances of Priests for Life, the American Life League, and Youth Defence; more reports are planned. Earlier reports explored the US...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Nonprofit housing providers can borrow private funds to implement energy efficiency measures only if they can document the savings to be anticipated as a result of the improvements. A contribution of $5 will enable SAHF's members to purchase data gathering for one meter (one property), laying the groundwork for energy-efficient rehabilitation that will benefit residents and reduce the carbon footprint of the building in question.
Regular price $75000 $750.00
As a Facilitator, your donation will help to fund the new facility for TEP Charter School and affirm your commitment to improving education with an emphasis on teacher equity.
Regular price $50000 $500.00
This gift will provide us the opportunity to include other professionals in the training, increasing our training opportunities and ultimately reach more survivors by having rooms available 24/7 in every timezone worldwide.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide help with small items that make a big impact on health. Assistance provided may include paying for prescriptions or over-the-counter medications (cold/flu, asthma, nutrition supplements, pain relievers) that homeless and very poor people cannot afford. It may also include home exercise items (exercise tubs or fitness balls), air cleaners/purifiers, humidifiers, or other household items that help people maintain safe and healthy...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your gift will allow IDE to respond to the urgent needs of our communities, allowing us to have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people by using your gift to provide rural subsistence farmers with the needed education and training to improve farming and harvesting practices. Educational workshops will also focus on providing market information, entrepreneurial skills and niche market development.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your support will directly help farmer, pastoral, forest and fisher groups working with Ecoagriculture Partners to invest in ecoagriculture. Small gifts go a long way. Several examples of recent community investments include: The Kalinga Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines invested in irrigated rice terraces for fish and vegetable production, growing more food and protecting mountain biodiversity. Communities in Rajasthan, India, invested in small mud dams...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Your gift of $20 will enable the World Food Program (WFP) to provide 40 people with meals in areas which have been devastated by malnutrition and death as a result of a natural catastrophe. These gifts allow WFP to engage in emergency operations for disaster victims. To learn more about what WFP and WFP USA are doing to end hunger, please visit www.wfpusa.org
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your gift of $15 will provide 60 children with a school meal, which is proven to significantly increase attendance rates and help children take their minds off their next meal and dedicate their attention to their studies. Providing meals within the educational system encourages poor families to send their children to school and proper nutrition helps pupils stay focused in the classroom. Children, such as...
Regular price $8400 $84.00
Your gift will provide food for the family of a malnourished child for two months.
Regular price $5200 $52.00
Your gift will provide a full week of nutritious meals for a preschool or school-aged child and give them a good start in life.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation will provide a child with basic food items for one month.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will allow us to tackle the problem of malnutrition in children by enabling us to provide nutritious porridge and calcium-rich milk to one child for an entire month at one of our Therpeutic Feeding Centers.
Regular price $8400 $84.00
Your gift will provide food for the family of a malnourished child for two months.