A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


Regular price $70.00

Your gift will provide hot nutritious meals for 10 children at our 2009 Athletics & Academics camps. The meal will consist of rice, chicken and a vegetable.

Regular price $15.00

Your generous gift will provide a book to each child who attends KLF's 2009 Athletics & Academics Camps in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. To encourage each child to read their book, every child who submits a book report on their received book will be entered into a drawing to win cool prizes.

Feed A Dog

Food for one month

Rescue Team

Regular price $50.00

This gift will help provide food for an orphaned dog for one month. With hundreds of dogs to feed each year these costs add up very quickly. Additionally, some of the dogs we rescue are skin and bones and require a special diet to help fill them out and get them back to a healthy adoptable weight!

Feed A Family

One month basic needs

MAD Ministries

Regular price $40.00

One 40 lb bag of rice, beans, flour, tortillas, canned goods, etc. This bag of food is enough to meet the basic needs of the families. These needy and poor children in Brazil and the United States desperately need food. By providing this bag of basics, the families can spend what little money they have on other needs. The food items are different in the...

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will help us provide a family with an emergency food box.

Regular price $150.00

Your gift will equip women like Francisca with all they need to catch fish every day for their families. She also receives the business education to turn her fishing skills into a self-sufficient, small business for her community.

Regular price $50.00

Your gift of a humanitarian kit will allow CHF to provide one family with the basic essentials they need to survive in the first 90 days of their displacement. CHF’s integrated humanitarian assistance program gives families the goods and services they so desperately need in these difficult times. The humanitarian kits contain dry food items, health and hygiene products, baby goods, and cooking utensils, among...

Regular price $10.00

This gift will provide a food basket to help feed a malnourished family. This basket contains 2 kg rice, 2 kg beans, 1 kg salt, 1 kg sugar, oatmeal, milk, eggs and oil.

Regular price $150.00

This gift enables us to provide nutritious grain and other food staples to a family of four for an entire month. This food is selected based on the specific needs and culture of the community that this family is a part of.

Regular price $75.00

This gift allows us to provide a family of four with grain and other food staples for two weeks.

Regular price $38.00

Your donation will allow us to purchase hay and minerals for the horses and burros, when their natural food source is depleted.

Regular price $12.00

This gift will provide one bag of senior feed to supply the grain feed needs for a single horse for 2 weeks.

Regular price $92.00

Your gift will feed a pregnant or breastfeeding mother in Mali for an entire year so that her child can grow up healthy and strong. In order to end child hunger and malnutrition, we must begin when the child is in the womb. The early months and years of child’s life are crucial for its mental development. Ensuring proper nutrition can make a definitive difference...

Regular price $6.00

This gift will buy a bale of hay which will provide a source of primary nutrition for a horse. Hay is the closest food to being like grazing in a pasture, so it is the most natural food for horses and for their digestive system.

Regular price $50.00

Each day in communities throughout America, local senior meal programs are working tirelessly to bring meals to seniors in need. These programs are our members and we are proud of them. Their clients are our mothers and fathers and grandparents and neighbors. They are America and they need your help. By donating this gift you are feeding our hungry seniors and ensuring that no senior...

Regular price $100.00

Each day in communities throughout America, local senior meal programs are working tirelessly to bring meals to seniors in need. These programs are our members and we are proud of them. Their clients are our mothers and fathers and grandparents and neighbors. They are America and they need your help. By donating this gift you are feeding our hungry seniors and ensuring that no senior...

Regular price $25.00

Each day in communities throughout America, local senior meal programs are working tirelessly to bring meals to seniors in need. These programs are our members and we are proud of them. Their clients are our mothers and fathers and grandparents and neighbors. They are America and they need your help. By donating this gift you are feeding our hungry seniors and ensuring that no senior...

Regular price $15.00

This gift will provide nutrition for one child for one month at Ikageng Itireleng in South Africa. Many of these children, who live in child-headed households, have no parents on whom to depend for food. They have experienced going without meals, but with you donation you can help ensure that they will never again.

Regular price $60.00

This gift will provide nutrition for one patient for two months at Alive Medical Services. Nutrition in a crucial component of effective AIDS treatment. Your generous gift ensures that for two months, one patient is able to be treated properly and reach full health.

Regular price $10.00

This gift will provide food for one patient for ten days at Alive Medical Services in Kampala, Uganda. AIDS treatment works only if combined with a healthy lifestyle in which proper nutrition is a crucial component. Your donation gives one patient this needed nutrition.